Register for Certification and Lifeskill programs here.
For youth ages 11 years and up who want to start earning an income babysitting. Feel confident caring for children after this course.
The Home Alone Program is designed to provide children 10 years of age and older with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone for short periods of time.
Swim & Lifesaving Instructor Original
Lifesaving Instructors are responsible for teaching and evaluating candidates participating in the Canadian Swim Patrol, Bronze Medals, Distinction, Boat Rescue and Lifesaving Society CPR programs. The Lifesaving Instructor course prepares Instructors to apply level 1 leadership competencies and strategies while teaching and evaluating. Lifesaving Instructor certification is the prerequisite for other Lifesaving Society instructor certifications. Certification in Alberta and Northwest Territories includes CPR Instructor certification.
Recertification to a previously held CPR-C award.
This is a re-certification to a previously held Intermediate First Aid Award. CPR – C & AED included.
Intermediate First Aid CRP-C & AED provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of first aid and CPR-C & AED certification.
Lifesaving First Aid Instructor!
Teach courses such as Standard First Aid, Emergency First Aid, and Aquatic Emergency Care.
Lifesaving First Aid Instructor - Recert
NL education is designed to develop a sound understanding of lifeguard principles, good judgment and a mature and responsible attitude toward becoming a professional lifeguard.
Pre-requisite: Must bring proof of Intermediate First Aid and Bronze Cross as well as meet the minimum age of 15 years old.
National Lifeguard Instructors are responsible for teaching and evaluating candidates participating in the National Lifeguard Pool, Waterpark, Waterfront and Surf programs
National Lifeguard Instructor Recertification
Find our First Aid Instructor and National Lifeguard Instructor Recerts here.